
Embroidery Digitized Hermit

What form of artwork do you prefer?

We accept artwork in almost any PC based format provided that the images are clear enough for us to see all of the details. Bitmap images of 200 to 300 dpi resolution should be enough to achieve good result. Remember, the better the artwork, the better the digitizing.

If you are sending vector art, please make sure to convert all text to curves because we don’t carry every font available. If graphic files are not available, we can also use some camera-ready art.

What is the best way to send artwork?

The easiest way is to send an email with the attached design file. We also request that your comments regarding your design be specific if your artwork is not self-explanatory (additions, deletions, all filled in, etc).

How will I receive my completed design?

Designs are all sent attached via email in the format specified by you.

How much do you charge per design?

We Price by the complexity of the logo not by the stitch count. Send in your design for a quote and we’ll get back to you within 2 hours, during regular business hours.

What is your turn around time?

Our turnaround time is 24 to 48 hours Monday to Friday